What’s the Deal with Protein?
What is protein? To put simply, protein is pretty much the composition of life itself. From the basis of your DNA, protein can be found in every single cell of your body, creating and repairing everything that makes you exist. For you science nerds out there, protein is composed of various amino acids such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen.…
Joining the Body
From the inspirations of the message shared on Pink Incense August 14, 2019 Watch Here! “Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.” – I Thessalonians 5:11 EDIFY – instruct and improve, enlighten morally, spiritually, and intellectually In the early days of being sick, all I could ever do was beg God to remove…
Tearing Down the Strongholds of Addiction
Ever since I was a child, I watched my brother struggle with a terrible drug addiction. I watched him in and out of jails and rehabs my whole life as I prayed for his freedom. When I was 18 years old, he was found dead in his apartment. This year makes ten years since I lost my brother. Addiction was…
The Perfect Kitchen
When people tell me they want to lose weight or get healthy or even simply eat better, the first thought that comes to mind is, “What’s in their pantry?” I have a bit of an obsession with sorting through pantries and refrigerators and pruning them until they are beautiful in my sight. It is my idea of interior decorating. So…
These Are the Ones Who Fill This Earth
“I lost another nephew.” My neighbor said as she treaded through the puddles in black. She looked weak, as if she carried the weight of that lost soul upon her. The heaviness in her heart was thicker than the humid air around us. And I could feel it. I could feel it because I had also just lost someone I…
Who Are You Listening To?
The world is full of noise, isn’t it? People and advertisements, images everywhere, all trying to sway you one way or the other. It is almost impossible to go one day without hearing the opinions of someone else. So many thoughts to think, decisions to make. So many ideas and possibilities. The mind can feel so cluttered. Is it just…
Addiction: You Can Overcome
I often wonder what it would have been like these past two years had my brother still been alive. Yes, my family was very supportive during my battle with sickness, but what would he have done? What would he have said to encourage me? So many days I felt like he was the one I needed to comfort me. All…
The End of Addiction
August 7, 2009 I was 18 years old. I was working the morning shift of my first “real” job at a clothing boutique, texting my friends about going to the movies after I got off. My boss stopped by to see how I was doing. She already knew. She didn’t say anything. I continued to blow up my mom’s phone,…
A Day in the Life of Chronic Illness
6:30 am. It’s Groundhogs Day. Has it been two weeks or three weeks of dealing with this episode? I’ve lost track. But I get to wake up once again to the same problem that had me tossing and turning all night. How bad will it be today? That’s all I ever wonder. Will my medicine work right away? Will it…
Keep Moving Forward
(From the Inspirations of Hebrews 6:1-12) It is time for us to move forward. It is time for us to go above and beyond in our faith and exercise everything we have ever learned. Even the lost know the basics of calling out to Jesus in a time of need. Even a new follower of Christ has seen the importance…