• black woman in a long green dress running through a grassy field

    If You Seek Justice, Seek God

    Recently, I began a Bible Study with a small group of women. Upon asking God where to begin, I was led to the book of Esther. At first, I felt it was unnecessary for us to read about a woman just because we were women. But as soon as I began my research on the book, I quickly understood why He chose Esther. Because believe it or not, the events of Esther are actually very similar to what we are going through today. Overwhelmed by the situation in the world, our Bible study began with discussing racism. As younger women, we couldn’t believe we were still dealing with the same…

  • greyscale of woman reading Bible at table

    What to Do When You Can’t Read the Bible

    I get it. Reading the Bible is not an easy task. It can sound like Shakespeare, and the size is nothing but intimidating. So what are we supposed to do when God wants us to read it, but we simply cant figure out how? I would like to share with you a few tips that have helped me overcome the hurdle of consistently reading the Bible. And perhaps you too will see what God is capable of doing through you when you truly desire Him. It begins with praying for five things: 1.) Desire You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. –…

  • greyscale of longhaired woman covering up mouth with hand and sweater
    Chronic Illness,  Spirit

    What Are You Afraid Of?

    It’s funny. I was the child always terrified of going to the doctor. I was the one who built up major anxiety over visiting the dentist or hospital for a checkup. Who would have thought I would one day have no choice but to overcome my fears. While I thought pregnancy had cleared me of most fear and humility, I was quickly proven wrong. Although both my epidural and blood patch had caused little pain, I was beyond terrified when it came to getting my first spinal tap. As symptoms progressed that summer of 2017, I knew the inevitable was coming, and no amount of mental prepping could relieve my…

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    The Vision of the Sealed Book

    I saw it all like words in a sealed book. It was delivered by men unto someone with one simple request: “Read this, please.” But the person responded, “I cannot, for it is sealed.” So the men delivered the book to someone who was illiterate with the same request, “Read this, please.” But this person responded, “I can’t. I don’t know how to read.” The prophet Isaiah wrote about this vision centuries before Jesus was even born. Perhaps you don’t understand. Why couldn’t the first person simply have unwrapped the book? Or maybe you’re wondering why the second person never learned to read at all. But what if this story…

  • woman walking the line on a road

    Where Do You Draw the Line?

    Have you ever been in so much pain that you would do anything to make it go away? Has life ever been so terrible that you would sacrifice anything to God if He would just make it stop? I’ve been there. I know. When 2018 hit, my surrounding world felt as if it was crawling all over me like ants. I wanted so badly to shake everything off. The pain. The depression. The sickness. The worry. He could have whatever He wanted; Just heal me! Things started small at first. I ran to Him on every bad day and went back to my old world on every good day. Eventually,…

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    The Scripture of My Salvation

    If you are ready to leave your old life behind and become a clean slate, free and whole, there is no better time than this moment. Now is the time to accept Jesus Christ into your life and allow Him to transform you and renew you to a clean creation once again. There are no fancy, religious rituals. There are no set prayers that needs to be said. It is all about trusting and believing that Jesus Christ died for your freedom from sin. Jesus Christ died for your healing and to make you whole. All it takes is faith. Trust in the Lord with all your heart,And lean not…

  • man buttoning suit on stairs

    Work for the Lord

    You don’t show up for work for five minutes and then leave. You don’t feed your baby for a few seconds and then put them down. You don’t pull out of the driveway and then stop your car. Why do we stop at just saying, “Lord, help me.” Why do we think that we can get by with just reading “the verse of the day” on the Bible app. Why do we think Sunday mornings are enough time in the presence of God? No, you work until your day has ended. You work knowing you will receive that paycheck on Fridays. You feed your baby until your baby is full…

  • half of Bible open on plain surface

    Read His Word

    Have you read your Bible today? Are you patting yourself on the back because you got your “verse of the day” in? No, I mean, have you delved into the Word today? We speak to God all the time, and the Bible is one of His best ways of speaking back to us. The Bible is the Word of God. Take a second to really grasp that fact that God Himself breathed these specific words into existence, and they still stand today. God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and His Word applies just as much now as it did a hundred years ago as it did at the…

  • woman in desert looking up to sky

    Three Lessons I Learned in My Trial

    “Take it, Jesus. Just take it.” These had become common words in my vocabulary the winter that my sickness started to get out of control. I craved complete deliverance from disease, and I could not understand why God, the ultimate Healer, would not grant me that request. I knew He had all the power to remove my sickness in a heartbeat. I knew He could easily calm down the symptoms or even just let the medicine kick in, yet no matter how much I begged, He didn’t take away the pain. My sister, who had just been inspired by another woman’s testimony, suggested that instead of asking God to remove…