Dreaming of Hell
The First Dream When I was younger, I had a dream that terrifyingly embedded itself into my mind for years to come. The dream began as normal as any dream can, until suddenly, everything turned pitch black. It was such an empty, hollow blackness, a never ending void with nothing able to be seen before you or around you. And from that desolate pit, I heard the whisper, “It’s too late.” It was hell. Without a doubt, I knew I had gone to hell. And while I knew and know that hell is far worse than that, it was enough for me. It’s too late. No second chances. No extra…
If You Seek Justice, Seek God
Recently, I began a Bible Study with a small group of women. Upon asking God where to begin, I was led to the book of Esther. At first, I felt it was unnecessary for us to read about a woman just because we were women. But as soon as I began my research on the book, I quickly understood why He chose Esther. Because believe it or not, the events of Esther are actually very similar to what we are going through today. Overwhelmed by the situation in the world, our Bible study began with discussing racism. As younger women, we couldn’t believe we were still dealing with the same…
Oh Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear
You can hear it almost anywhere you go. It relaxes you, invigorates you, and takes you back to the oldest of memories. It sets the mood to every minute you’re exposed to it. It is the sound of music filling the air. And while many share this common interest for a love of music, I can honestly say, I’ve always taken it two steps further. Music was rich in my family before I was even a thought. It was always played and always encouraged to be played. Upon entering my teenage years, it quickly became an obsession. My walls were plastered with posters and album covers. I could tell you…