• sheep

    If You Love Me…

    Whenever I’m going through something, I always try to find someone in the Bible who went through a similar experience. Job, Paul, Jonah, Ruth – there’s always someone I can relate to and learn from. This time, it’s Peter. We all know Peter. The walking-on-water, Jesus-denying, ear-slicing, ever faithful Peter. Peter was enthusiastic (to say the least) about pleasing Jesus. He wanted to make Jesus proud and offer his fully devoted service. He wanted to show just how much he believed and how faithful he was. Yet, he was always tripping up. Always failing. Always falling. But hiccups and all, he kept pursuing Jesus. One of the last conversations Jesus…

  • woman holding up sign saying Jesus in the city streetswhile people are blurred walking around her

    Jesus Loves You – But Not Your Sin

     (A Preface to “When God Brings Judgment – An Isaiah 1 Commentary”) God is many things. Most notably, we know Him as our Creator and Savior, our Healer and Redeemer. God is love. He is just. He is patient and full of grace and mercy. Yes, God is a good God. So much so that we refer to Him as Our Father. He cares for us endlessly and only wants the best for us. But like a Father, God has rules. Laws – commandments, actually. And He expects us to obey them like any parent would desire of their child. But when any parent sees their child is being disruptive…

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    Could You Wait One Hour?

    When Jesus said He was coming back soon, more than likely His disciples and followers took that literally. They had seen Jesus. They had seen Him live and die and rise again. They had seen Him return, and they lived expecting that He could return again at any moment.  Soon. He said soon. And they made sure to live as blameless as possible because His return could be any minute. But time went on. And how impatient did the church get through time! How tired of waiting did we get! Since the time of Jesus’ departure, we’ve only grown more and more lax in our Christian walk because maybe “soon”…

  • black woman in a long green dress running through a grassy field

    If You Seek Justice, Seek God

    Recently, I began a Bible Study with a small group of women. Upon asking God where to begin, I was led to the book of Esther. At first, I felt it was unnecessary for us to read about a woman just because we were women. But as soon as I began my research on the book, I quickly understood why He chose Esther. Because believe it or not, the events of Esther are actually very similar to what we are going through today. Overwhelmed by the situation in the world, our Bible study began with discussing racism. As younger women, we couldn’t believe we were still dealing with the same…

  • woman standing in the streets alone covering her ears

    Oh Be Careful Little Ears What You Hear

    You can hear it almost anywhere you go. It relaxes you, invigorates you, and takes you back to the oldest of memories. It sets the mood to every minute you’re exposed to it. It is the sound of music filling the air. And while many share this common interest for a love of music, I can honestly say, I’ve always taken it two steps further. Music was rich in my family before I was even a thought. It was always played and always encouraged to be played. Upon entering my teenage years, it quickly became an obsession. My walls were plastered with posters and album covers. I could tell you…

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    What to Do When You Can’t Read the Bible

    I get it. Reading the Bible is not an easy task. It can sound like Shakespeare, and the size is nothing but intimidating. So what are we supposed to do when God wants us to read it, but we simply cant figure out how? I would like to share with you a few tips that have helped me overcome the hurdle of consistently reading the Bible. And perhaps you too will see what God is capable of doing through you when you truly desire Him. It begins with praying for five things: 1.) Desire You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. –…

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    The Vision of the Sealed Book

    I saw it all like words in a sealed book. It was delivered by men unto someone with one simple request: “Read this, please.” But the person responded, “I cannot, for it is sealed.” So the men delivered the book to someone who was illiterate with the same request, “Read this, please.” But this person responded, “I can’t. I don’t know how to read.” The prophet Isaiah wrote about this vision centuries before Jesus was even born. Perhaps you don’t understand. Why couldn’t the first person simply have unwrapped the book? Or maybe you’re wondering why the second person never learned to read at all. But what if this story…

  • Spirit

    Will the Bride Say “I Do”?

    Long before the Israelites were trapped in the slavery of Egypt, God had a plan. Though centuries had gone by from the time He made His promise to Abraham, that didn’t make His plan any less perfect or efficient. He knew the timing, and He was ready to move. He was ready to break the chains of bondage and show the world who He was and what He could do. Wonders would be performed before the eyes of thousands of people. He had miracles saved up especially for this time that the world had never seen nor would ever see again. which neither your fathers nor your fathers’ fathers have…

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    Chronic Illness,  Spirit

    Where to Begin

    Want to know a secret? I was supposed to launch this outreach a long time ago. It began in the hospital one February night in 2018. While one could argue it was the high dose of IV steroids I had just received, I knew it was something greater. God was speaking to me, and words were pouring into my heart and overflowing faster than I could get them out. I needed to write. I needed to share these words with the rest of the world. But how? When? Where would I even start? I soon saw that none of that mattered. All that was important was that God had begun…