• girl with two braids standing in front of a colorful graffiti wall of flowers
    Chronic Illness,  Spirit

    The Tapestry of Healing

    I spent approximately seven months trying to find a doctor who would believe something was wrong with me. It took ten more months for me to no longer be questioned by the medical community, and still over another year to convince the federal government that I was sick enough to be disabled. After almost three years of fighting for my health, I was finally free to rest, recover, and heal. Except I couldn’t. Not fully at least. You spend almost three years trying to convince the world that something is wrong and see how easy it is to stop. My mind had become used to a constant repeat, reciting my…

  • close up of brown and blue iris and pupil in eye
    Intracranial Hypertension

    Papilledema & Intracranial Hypertension

     *Note: I am not a medical professional. All information provided is from personal experience and personal research. If you are experiencing a medical condition, please seek a medical professional first and foremost. (Read Full Disclaimer Here) What is Papilledema? Papilledema is a visual condition where there is swelling of the optic nerve(s). While Papilledema can be secondary to a few conditions (brain tumor, brain hemorrhage, etc), I will be primarily speaking of it in relation to Intracranial Hypertension. When spinal fluid levels increase outside of a normal range (Intracranial Hypertension), it can apply a significant amount of pressure to all surrounding areas. This includes the optic nerves of the eyes,…

  • hands pulling on nitrile gloves
    Chronic Illness,  Intracranial Hypertension

    What to Expect During Your First Spinal Tap

     *** Disclaimers: The following information is based off of my own personal experience and research. I am not a medical professional. If you are experiencing a medical issue, please seek a medical professional first and foremost. Also note that each patient and doctor is different, and experiences can vary. Read full disclaimer page here. *** Expecting your first spinal tap? While the fear and concern can be understandable, we hope this post can shed some light on the subject and provide you with the answers to some of your questions. Our goal is to help make this whole experience much less terrifying. But before getting into the Q&A, let’s break…

  • dark photo of woman with black hair putting hand against forehead with eyes closed
    Intracranial Hypertension

    Top Triggers for Intracranial Hypertension

    It’s amazing how the slightest change can throw off your body’s natural balance. Sometimes, it isn’t so much what you do but what you don’t do. Everyone will experience different triggers that throw things off and cause symptoms to flare. In this post, we will be going over some of the most common triggers for Intracranial Hypertension. It is important that you do not let this list intimidate you. Even in sharing the same condition, we may not all experience it the same way. We are all unique. Learn your own body and listen to it. You may be pleasantly surprised, or you may discover some boundaries to respect. Either…

  • white plate with sad face drawn on it on pink background with knife and fork
    Intracranial Hypertension

    Dietary Triggers for Intracranial Hypertension

    I think we have all heard by now that Intracranial Hypertension is most prominent in obese or overweight women. So why is weight loss in itself not the cure? Perhaps it isn’t always so much about the weight but what we are putting into our bodies. In this post, we will be discussing the most common dietary triggers for IH. First, however, I want to make it clear that we are all unique. Some of us may tolerate some foods better than others. This post is not intended to steer you away from any particular food that you may require for your own health needs. (And you can believe I…

  • Intracranial Hypertension

    Natural Remedies for Intracranial Hypertension

    Intracranial Hypertension is a rare and unusual condition with unfortunately no cure. However, there are many options out there that may help you manage this complex condition, from medication to brain surgery. But sometimes medicine and even surgical intervention can only do so much. In this case, natural remedies may help, either in place of these options or in addition to them. Everyone is different, and like with any treatment method, natural remedies may take just as much trial and error. But in time, relief can come. Before proceeding, it is important to note that I am not a doctor. I do not have a medical degree. The following natural…

  • Chronic Illness

    The Truth About Medical Trauma

    ⊗ Trigger Warning: The following post discusses Medical PTSD & Trauma. Please proceed with caution. “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.” – Anne Frank There are many reasons I write. Outside of it being my calling, writing can be incredibly therapeutic. Like seeing a therapist, it brings clarity to the situations in my life. Oftentimes, it can feel as if bees are swarming around in my mind. I can’t think straight, and speaking is almost completely out of the question. But writing allows for these “bees” to fly out one at a time and land on each page accordingly. It allows…

  • spoonful of white tablets with medicine bottles in the background
    Body,  Chronic Illness,  Spirit

    Have You Tried…

    We’ve all heard it. You don’t even have to have a chronic illness to have been asked this question in regards to all your problems. “Have you tried…” Have you tried losing weight? Have you tried this diet? Have you tried yoga? Have you tried essential oils? It didn’t take me long to realize how tiresome this question can be. For many who do suffer with a chronic illness, this question can almost seem like an insult. Because in truth, they have likely tried everything you can name. Personally, this question has never bothered me because I look at it as a way to research more into both what works…

  • Chronic Illness,  Spirit

    By His Stripes, I Am Healed

    To say it was a Sunday like any other would be a lie. In truth, I should have realized something was different early on. Though my husband made no comment to me, he didn’t even want to go to church that morning. Even I lacked the usual energy and excitement that I usually had in going to my place of freedom. The music didn’t reach me the same. I barely sang, and I could only manage a sway while everyone danced and clapped around me. I still had no idea of what was to come. Though my body was only a few feet from the alter, my mind was elsewhere.…

  • black and white photo of girl with shaved head wearing a hospital gown taking a selfie in a mirror
    Chronic Illness

    What We Wish You Knew

    Not everything is easy to say – especially for someone who battles sickness and pain on a daily basis. But there are many things that we wish you knew. I ask that you take the time today to read through what so many of us with chronic illnesses struggle with on a daily basis. Help us break that silence. I cannot speak for everyone, but I do believe this can speak for many: 1.) Sometimes we don’t want to take medicine. You’ve seen the commercials. We don’t need to tell you the side effects that can come with the medications we  take. Some of us can barely even keep track…