• dark photo of woman with black hair putting hand against forehead with eyes closed
    Intracranial Hypertension

    Top Triggers for Intracranial Hypertension

    It’s amazing how the slightest change can throw off your body’s natural balance. Sometimes, it isn’t so much what you do but what you don’t do. Everyone will experience different triggers that throw things off and cause symptoms to flare. In this post, we will be going over some of the most common triggers for Intracranial Hypertension. It is important that you do not let this list intimidate you. Even in sharing the same condition, we may not all experience it the same way. We are all unique. Learn your own body and listen to it. You may be pleasantly surprised, or you may discover some boundaries to respect. Either…

  • white plate with sad face drawn on it on pink background with knife and fork
    Intracranial Hypertension

    Dietary Triggers for Intracranial Hypertension

    I think we have all heard by now that Intracranial Hypertension is most prominent in obese or overweight women. So why is weight loss in itself not the cure? Perhaps it isn’t always so much about the weight but what we are putting into our bodies. In this post, we will be discussing the most common dietary triggers for IH. First, however, I want to make it clear that we are all unique. Some of us may tolerate some foods better than others. This post is not intended to steer you away from any particular food that you may require for your own health needs. (And you can believe I…

  • teal and green awareness ribbon
    Chronic Illness,  Intracranial Hypertension

    Living with Intracranial Hypertension

    Have you been battling Intracranial Hypertension and the life-altering symptoms it causes? Don’t fight it alone. Let us be there for you. Which topic has been eating away at your mind? Are you struggling in your marriage? Are you having trouble working yet can’t afford to stay home? Are you wondering how to function and communicate while staying in the hospital? Have you even fully accepted yet what happened to you? Pick a topic and read away. Know you are not alone in this battle and that there is a purpose behind your pain. We are here for you. Relationships Parenting Working A Day in the Life Coping with an…

  • vintage white holiday dinner table set up without any food on it

    Feast Upon This

    Who’s ready to indulge in all of the holiday feasts! That was a trick question. This time of year, we are presented with the perfect example of why dieting is a bad idea. Please allow me to explain: So you’ve been on a “diet”. Maybe you’ve gone keto or gluten free or dairy free or who knows what. The point is, you have been withholding your body from something. So if you’ve gone months (or weeks or days) without a certain food group, what sort of shock do you think you place on your body when you decide to indulge during the holidays? In all truth, these fad diets are…

  • vintage teal blue weighing scale
    Body,  Chronic Illness,  Intracranial Hypertension

    Why Weight Loss Matters

    How has weight affected your Intracranial Hypertension? No doubt, one of the first things your doctor suggested upon diagnosis was to lose weight. Why? While the medical field is still trying to figure out exactly what causes IH, there seems to be a high percentage of patients with IH who are overweight or obese. In fact, many patients develop this condition after or during a period of significant weight gain. As obesity rates increase, Intracranial Hypertension is being found to be less and less rare. But it’s not just about the weight loss. What’s Causing the Weight? While aiming for a healthy weight in general is always important, doctors will…

  • muscular back and arms of a man doing chin ups

    What’s the Deal with Protein?

    What is protein?  To put simply, protein is pretty much the composition of life itself. From the basis of your DNA, protein can be found in every single cell of your body, creating and repairing everything that makes you exist. For you science nerds out there, protein is composed of various amino acids such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen. Some amino acids however can not be produced by the body and must be consumed through food. Examples you may have heard mentioned before would be tryptophan, lysine, and phenylalanine. Thought it was all about the muscles? Try your bones, your blood, your skin, cartilage, tissue, hormones, everything! Protein is…

  • pots and food set on a kitchen island counter with a white cabinet background and sink with window above

    The Perfect Kitchen

    When people tell me they want to lose weight or get healthy or even simply eat better, the first thought that comes to mind is, “What’s in their pantry?” I have a bit of an obsession with sorting through pantries and refrigerators and pruning them until they are beautiful in my sight. It is my idea of interior decorating. So if you are interested in making some healthier choices for your life, I’m here to help. Designing Your Dream Kitchen The first thing to understand about cleaning out your pantry is that you never go in and throw everything away. Frankly, that’s just wasteful. Instead, understand the method behind it.…

  • grey bowl of salt on a white marble table with a wooden spoon

    A Pinch of Salt

    Salt is crucial for survival. In fact, sodium is actually an electrolyte the body needs for muscles and nerves to function properly. It helps regulate how much fluid is in the body. Unfortunately however, many people consume too much salt. This means your body is retaining too much water. Your blood pressure can increase, and your heart has to work harder. This can all cause cardiovascular diseases, stroke, hypertension, and kidney disease. While we do need sodium for our bodies to function properly, it’s important not to overdo it. So how much salt can we have? The American Heart Association recommends less than 2,300 mg a day, ideally aiming for…

  • metal shopping cart in empty parking lot

    Six Tips for a Healthy Grocery Trip

    In order to develop a healthier diet, you must first learn what your diet is actually composed of versus what you want it to be composed of. So today, my friends, we will take the first and most important step of learning how to read labels. Now, I do understand we all might have different dietary restrictions or needs, but most of these are general guidelines. From these guidelines, you can begin to learn what you’re looking for and adjust accordingly. Get your grocery lists ready because I have six tips for a healthier shopping cart! 1.) Keep it Simple Think about the layout of most grocery stores. Outside Isles:…

  • sugar cubes on a black background and surface

    Sugarcoated Lies

    “It is not good to eat much honey.” – Proverbs 25:27 Sugar, sweeteners, and sugar substitutes. Touchy topic. Still, it can be agreed that we all consume way too much of these things. But why is sugar so bad for us? Did you know that sugar is as addicting as drugs and alcohol? Studies have suggested that it is as addicting as cocaine. If you don’t believe that to be possible, you should know that some addiction centers have actually extended their hotline to help people who suffer from sugar addiction or withdrawal symptoms. But that’s not all. Excessive sugar affects the way your body understands hunger. Your body can’t…