• black and white closeup of a white woman and a black man holding hands

    Searching the Heart

    Recently, our country was hit with the painful reminder that there is still so much hate residing within us that needs to be addressed. This hate is nothing new. Racism is nothing new. In fact, as time grows closer each day to the end of time altogether, we sadly cannot be surprised by this spirit of division attacking us. However, that doesn’t mean we have to condone it. It All Begins in the Heart Growing up on the outskirts of New Orleans, “The Melting Pot”,  my community was nothing but diverse in both color and culture. And though I am a white woman from a white family, I was thankfully…

  • black woman in a long green dress running through a grassy field

    If You Seek Justice, Seek God

    Recently, I began a Bible Study with a small group of women. Upon asking God where to begin, I was led to the book of Esther. At first, I felt it was unnecessary for us to read about a woman just because we were women. But as soon as I began my research on the book, I quickly understood why He chose Esther. Because believe it or not, the events of Esther are actually very similar to what we are going through today. Overwhelmed by the situation in the world, our Bible study began with discussing racism. As younger women, we couldn’t believe we were still dealing with the same…