• girl in white and black striped shirt lying face flat on bed with blonde hair covering face
    Body,  Chronic Illness

    Eight Survival Tips for the Isolated, by the Isolated

    I have to say, this time of quarantine has honestly not been so bad. Because for the most part, nothing for me has changed. February 2018, I became too sick to continue going to work. By March, I no longer even had a vehicle. It was just me and my baby home every day all day. And that’s how it’s been nearly every day for the past two years. Now given, I was often too sick to even get out of bed. And yes, many days I had someone there to help me. But it never changed the fact that we were always home and rarely venturing out. So when…

  • close up of a handicapped parking space
    Chronic Illness

    The Five Lies of Disability – Breaking the Stigma

    As if being physically impaired isn’t enough, there can be a lot of mental and emotional damage that tends to affect the sick as well. As one who has lived on both sides of the spectrum of being perfectly healthy and chronically ill, I have experienced firsthand how these thoughts can take their toll. You feel ashamed. Embarrassed. Humiliated. You don’t want to be seen as different. You don’t want to be viewed as fragile. You feel guilty. You should be working. You shouldn’t be in bed all day. You should be taking care of your family, your home. You feel doubt. What if no one believes me? What if…

  • woman running through field during sunrise

    Keep Moving Forward

    (From the Inspirations of Hebrews 6:1-12) It is time for us to move forward. It is time for us to go above and beyond in our faith and exercise everything we have ever learned. Even the lost know the basics of calling out to Jesus in a time of need. Even a new follower of Christ has seen the importance of laying hands on the sick. It is time for us to expand and grow greater in our faith than we ever have before. Once you have tasted the power of the Holy Spirit, how can you want anything else but more? Once you have seen the miracles of Jesus…