• Spirit

    Faithfulness in the Fog

    I remember the lingering distress of feeling trapped in a place of uncertainty. I remember the unending anxiety of not knowing how things would end or if they would ever end at all. I remember being forced to leave my job, a job I loved and had built a relationship with. I remember seeing my bank account dwindle to nothing despite everyone’s efforts to help. I remember wondering how we would make it, where would we go, what would we do. Yet through all of these moments, I remember God telling me to trust Him. Telling me not to worry or be anxious about anything. Not to fear. Not to…

  • close up of a handicapped parking space
    Chronic Illness

    The Five Lies of Disability – Breaking the Stigma

    As if being physically impaired isn’t enough, there can be a lot of mental and emotional damage that tends to affect the sick as well. As one who has lived on both sides of the spectrum of being perfectly healthy and chronically ill, I have experienced firsthand how these thoughts can take their toll. You feel ashamed. Embarrassed. Humiliated. You don’t want to be seen as different. You don’t want to be viewed as fragile. You feel guilty. You should be working. You shouldn’t be in bed all day. You should be taking care of your family, your home. You feel doubt. What if no one believes me? What if…

  • young woman with hat standing next to a white picket fence staring off to the side
    Chronic Illness

    Labeled Disabled

    Recently, I received some wonderful news. I have officially been declared disabled. Wait, what? Come on. Let’s talk about what nobody wants to talk about. Disability. Everything about it seems to scream caution. Judgement. Legalities. Who really wants to be disabled? Who really wants to be limited by what their body can or cannot do? It just doesn’t make sense to speak disability upon yourself at the same time you’re claiming healing. But to some, it’s an answered prayer. My Story It took a year from my epidural for my health to spiral out of control. But I still remained too proud to admit that my body was not what…

  • close up of doctor crossing arms holding a red stethascope
    Chronic Illness

    Health Care Frustrations – How You Can Help

    So you’re sick. You’re feeling miserable, and your body is in so much pain that you think you might be dying. What do you do? If you’re like me, you’re thinking the ER might be your last hope. Of course, nobody ever wants to resort to going to the hospital, but when you’ve tried everything, and nothing is working, what choice do you have? Except, say you get there, and there’s nothing they can do. Let’s say you wait for hours in the ER, go through the hoops of IV’s and questions only to be told nothing is wrong with you – only to go home in the same exact…

  • minimalist white desk with modern chair facing a white wall
    Chronic Illness,  Spirit

    Where to Begin

    Want to know a secret? I was supposed to launch this outreach a long time ago. It began in the hospital one February night in 2018. While one could argue it was the high dose of IV steroids I had just received, I knew it was something greater. God was speaking to me, and words were pouring into my heart and overflowing faster than I could get them out. I needed to write. I needed to share these words with the rest of the world. But how? When? Where would I even start? I soon saw that none of that mattered. All that was important was that God had begun…

  • vintage teal blue weighing scale
    Body,  Chronic Illness,  Intracranial Hypertension

    Why Weight Loss Matters

    How has weight affected your Intracranial Hypertension? No doubt, one of the first things your doctor suggested upon diagnosis was to lose weight. Why? While the medical field is still trying to figure out exactly what causes IH, there seems to be a high percentage of patients with IH who are overweight or obese. In fact, many patients develop this condition after or during a period of significant weight gain. As obesity rates increase, Intracranial Hypertension is being found to be less and less rare. But it’s not just about the weight loss. What’s Causing the Weight? While aiming for a healthy weight in general is always important, doctors will…

  • woman walking the line on a road

    Where Do You Draw the Line?

    Have you ever been in so much pain that you would do anything to make it go away? Has life ever been so terrible that you would sacrifice anything to God if He would just make it stop? I’ve been there. I know. When 2018 hit, my surrounding world felt as if it was crawling all over me like ants. I wanted so badly to shake everything off. The pain. The depression. The sickness. The worry. He could have whatever He wanted; Just heal me! Things started small at first. I ran to Him on every bad day and went back to my old world on every good day. Eventually,…

  • dead maple leaves floating on a still lake

    Slow Down

    Slow down. Slow down your body. Slow down your mind. Slow down your heart. Life isn’t about quantity. It’s about quality. What sort of quality of life are you living? Slow down and take your time. Do not focus on your progress adding up. Focus on how you’re making that progress – In this moment – Right now. I am not telling you to stop. I’m telling you to pace yourself. I’m not telling you to be lazy. I’m telling you to rest. Just slow down. Solving the Puzzle Blame it on my heritage, but it seems as though I have always had a determination to get from point A…

  • silhouette of a cross with a cloudy background

    The Scripture of My Salvation

    If you are ready to leave your old life behind and become a clean slate, free and whole, there is no better time than this moment. Now is the time to accept Jesus Christ into your life and allow Him to transform you and renew you to a clean creation once again. There are no fancy, religious rituals. There are no set prayers that needs to be said. It is all about trusting and believing that Jesus Christ died for your freedom from sin. Jesus Christ died for your healing and to make you whole. All it takes is faith. Trust in the Lord with all your heart,And lean not…