• black man with glasses placing arms on a white desk staring at an analog clock in front of him

    Could You Wait One Hour?

    When Jesus said He was coming back soon, more than likely His disciples and followers took that literally. They had seen Jesus. They had seen Him live and die and rise again. They had seen Him return, and they lived expecting that He could return again at any moment.  Soon. He said soon. And they made sure to live as blameless as possible because His return could be any minute. But time went on. And how impatient did the church get through time! How tired of waiting did we get! Since the time of Jesus’ departure, we’ve only grown more and more lax in our Christian walk because maybe “soon”…

  • an open gap between two stone walls

    Repair the Breach

    There once was a rich man, who though interestingly was never named, lived a life of absolute luxury. And at his gate every day, laid a beggar named Lazarus, who only sought for the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. While the rich man dressed in the finest attire, Lazarus was dressed in wounds and sores that were licked by dogs. These two men obviously lived completely different lives. But neither was spared from death. When the day came that both Lazarus and the rich man died, angels brought Lazarus up to Abraham’s side. The rich man however, ended up in hell. When the rich man looked up…

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    The Vision of the Sealed Book

    I saw it all like words in a sealed book. It was delivered by men unto someone with one simple request: “Read this, please.” But the person responded, “I cannot, for it is sealed.” So the men delivered the book to someone who was illiterate with the same request, “Read this, please.” But this person responded, “I can’t. I don’t know how to read.” The prophet Isaiah wrote about this vision centuries before Jesus was even born. Perhaps you don’t understand. Why couldn’t the first person simply have unwrapped the book? Or maybe you’re wondering why the second person never learned to read at all. But what if this story…

  • Spirit

    Will the Bride Say “I Do”?

    Long before the Israelites were trapped in the slavery of Egypt, God had a plan. Though centuries had gone by from the time He made His promise to Abraham, that didn’t make His plan any less perfect or efficient. He knew the timing, and He was ready to move. He was ready to break the chains of bondage and show the world who He was and what He could do. Wonders would be performed before the eyes of thousands of people. He had miracles saved up especially for this time that the world had never seen nor would ever see again. which neither your fathers nor your fathers’ fathers have…

  • multiple screens lighting up in a dark room

    Who Are You Listening To?

    The world is full of noise, isn’t it? People and advertisements, images everywhere, all trying to sway you one way or the other. It is almost impossible to go one day without hearing the opinions of someone else. So many thoughts to think, decisions to make. So many ideas and possibilities. The mind can feel so cluttered. Is it just me, or does it seem to you as if your quiet time alone is the only time your true thoughts can come through? In the shower, only the sound of running water, no one around. Here is where I can filter all of the day’s thoughts. Here I can empty…

  • misty lake surrounded by trees in early morning


    There was a time that I was more determined than ever to please God. I was suffering from inescapable pain, and I wanted to do whatever was necessary if He would just remove the sickness from my body. I knew I had to go back to church. I knew I had to read my Bible more and change the music I was listening to. I had to find the sin that was holding me back from my healing. So I began to study the Bible for anything that God said was a sin. I would then be able to remove it from my life. At the time, I kept coming…

  • close up of water on a river with trees in the background

    Looking for an Answer

    So many times, I find myself asking God for a yes or no answer. I just want a clear, simple answer. When I am going through something, and I am praying for help, I wish so bad that God could be like a magic eight ball. I wish I could just ask my question, say my request, shake my magic eight ball of God, and have the answer just appear before me. But then I realized, that is my flesh. A magic eight ball is made with only twenty answers inside. That worldly toy is limited to only twenty answers it can give you. It’s origins are not even of…