• black and white photo of a man dressed up like Jesus walking through a cloud of smoke

    Who Do I Pray To?

     Opening Prayer: Father, I ask that you open my heart. Make it soft and receptive. Fill me with wisdom and discernment for Your truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. If you do a quick internet search, you will discover that the God of the Bible is not always considered the first god in history. You may find this surprising. How can the God who created the world not be the first god of the world? Clearly, history has become twisted. But if you believe in the God of the Bible, then you must believe in the Bible. And if you believe in the Bible, isn’t it safe to assume you believe…

  • black and white photo of a young man wearing a beanie and jacket in the snow
    Addiction,  Spirit

    A Daily Prayer

    The following poem was written by my brother, Jason Vicknair. Less than a year later, he passed away due to a drug overdose. This would be one of the last poems he ever wrote: Lord, keep us safe and our loved ones well. Lord, bless this home and all who inside dwell. Lord, grant me the patience to wait for myself. Lord, grant me the endurance to keep my Bible off the shelf. Lord, grant me the diligence to follow Your path. Lord, grant me the knowledge to stay away from Your wrath. Lord, grant me humility to keep me from pride. Lord, grant me the strength to hang on…

  • greyscale of woman reading Bible at table

    What to Do When You Can’t Read the Bible

    I get it. Reading the Bible is not an easy task. It can sound like Shakespeare, and the size is nothing but intimidating. So what are we supposed to do when God wants us to read it, but we simply cant figure out how? I would like to share with you a few tips that have helped me overcome the hurdle of consistently reading the Bible. And perhaps you too will see what God is capable of doing through you when you truly desire Him. It begins with praying for five things: 1.) Desire You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. –…

  • woman standing in flower shop looking up with eyes closed

    The Importance of Prayer

    Sometimes, our prayers seem to go unanswered. This can be especially frustrating when you’ve spent a long time praying about your situation. You begin to feel hopeless. Your faith fades. You start to think that maybe it just isn’t meant to be. Oftentimes, you simply give up. When I first got really sick, I could feel the power of prayer. I knew people were out there joining together in prayer for my healing, and I was full of hope. There were people praying for me all over the country. Surely God would hear our cries. I was going to be healed. A year later, I was still sick.  Mentally, I…