woman standing in grassy field with sunlight shining on her head

He Chose You

He chose Moses. He chose Esther. He chose David. Daniel. The disciples. Paul.

And He chose you.

God did not create you just to exist on this earth. He did not create you just to grow up, go to school, get a job, start a family, and retire. Just like He designed every atom in Your body to have a particular function, He created you to play a particular role.

He chose you to have a testimony. He chose you to suffer through trials because He knew you were strong, faithful, and obedient. He knew your potential before you even saw it.

What an honor that the King of Kings, the same God who created the universe and every detail in it, chose you to take up this cross, fight this battle, and win it for His Name.

Change your perspective.

Right now, you may be focusing on the way you feel or the situation you are in. You may not feel worthy or perhaps the task in front of you doesn’t seem worth it. Maybe it doesn’t seem possible. You feel insecurities restraining you, physical limitations restricting you.

But God doesn’t see any of that. God doesn’t look at the outward man. He doesn’t see impossible. God’s worth and value of you is that you are the apple of His eye. You are loved. God looks at your heart.

This is the God who was and is and is to come, the God who never changes. Time has no meaning to Him the way it does to our human minds. He sees you right now the way He will see you in the future. If you are strong in the future, He sees you as strong now. If you are healed in the future, He sees you as healed now. He is willing to see it, so we must have the faith to believe it. If we can believe in Him who we do not see, then we can believe in what He can do through us.

For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. – 1 Samuel 16:7

Moses did not know the future that awaited him. When he lived in the palaces of Egypt as royalty, he did not know he was going to stoop so low as to committing murder and ending up a shepherd in some far off land. When he was a shepherd, He did not see himself back in Egypt, risking his life, delivering thousands of Jews from slavery. Even when God told him what to do, he did not see himself capable. He did not see the future that God saw of thousands arriving to the promised land, all led by a man who thought a speech impediment would hinder his success.

Esther did not know the king would reward her and her people for what she did. She had no true authority and could have easily ended up killed. But God saw her obedience. He saw the ending.

Paul murdered countless Christians before he became one himself. Of all people, he had to have felt the least worthy of God’s love and plan. Yet, he was the perfect choice to win more for the kingdom of Christ.

God didn’t look at David’s small outward appearance or how he was the youngest of many strong brothers. He wasn’t focused on his meager job of being a shepherd. All God saw was that David was a man after His own heart. And because of that, God chose him to be king.

Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”

Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.  – John 9:1-3

Jesus healed this man of his blindness. Jesus did not speak of this man’s defect or focus on the judgmental question that someone must have had a sinful past. All Jesus cared about was the fact that this man, regardless of what negative image the world saw, was placed on this earth so specifically to show God’s glory.

You, regardless of your past or present situation, were intricately designed and placed on this earth to reveal that same glory.

You may not be proud of your past or happy with the state you are in, but those are the things that compose your testimony. It does not matter how the world views it. What matters is how God views it. Those are the things that God purposefully planted in your life that would one day be transformed into your testimony.

God knew you before you were born. He knew the life you were going to live. This also means He knows the ending. He not only knew what you would do, but He knew what you could do for His Name. And He still chose You.

“I chose you.” – If God Himself came down and told you that, how differently would you live your life? How differently would you face your battles?

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:10

What have you been chosen for?
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