mother holding newborn baby
Chronic Illness

Postpartum Headaches & Backpain… Sound Familiar?

Had a baby and now experiencing symptoms you’ve never felt before?

Believe me when I say there are a lot more women like you than you think!

In January 2017, I gave birth to my first child. I had been healthy for 25 years prior. My pregnancy was uncomplicated and full term. My labor and delivery were brief and easy. But I didn’t know until four days later that there had been an accident with the epidural.

While still in the hospital, I began experiencing headaches, something I had never dealt with much before. Upon arriving home, they were so excruciating, I couldn’t even think straight. My gynecologist instructed me to pay attention to the details of the headaches, specifically if they were relieved by lying flat and worsened by upright positions.

This was indeed the case, and I was informed that occasionally, an epidural needle can puncture too far. This causes spinal fluid to leak out from around the brain, leaving your brain to basically sit against your skull. People with low levels of spinal fluid are said to have Intracranial Hypotension.

While this condition can actually heal itself, it can also be repaired by medical professionals. Day four postpartum, I went to the ER for a “blood patch”, where my leak was sealed. It was as quick and simple as the epidural itself.

The headaches never stopped though. Instead, they changed their pattern. Over the next few months, more symptoms developed and progressed until eventually I was back in the ER. For months I was misdiagnosed until a spinal tap was finally performed that revealed my spinal fluid pressure was now too high, a condition called Intracranial Hypertension.

According to every doctor I’ve seen, I don’t fit the criteria for having this condition. Three spinal taps and countless symptoms later, there is no doubt that my spinal fluid levels are the cause behind all of the pain I have been through.

mother holding and kissing baby in the park
This was the day I had my first spinal tap where my spinal fluid levels were reading roughly three times higher than the normal amount. There was no way anyone could have known unless I had kept fighting for answers.

Only you can speak up when things don't seem right!

This is why I urge every woman who has had a baby or an epidural and is now experiencing strange symptoms, go see a doctor! And don’t stop at one. I had to see countless doctors before they finally found an answer. Had I stopped at one, they would have settled for allergies.

And don’t hesitate to mention every symptom you’re going through. When it was first thought I was just having migraines, how foolish do you think I felt in telling a doctor that moving around actually made me feel better?

As word was getting out of the bizarre phenomena that happened to me, I began meeting more and more women who were having issues after having a baby, from migraines to chronic back pain. By putting our heads together, we were able to find similarities and differences to present to our doctors as we all seek an end to the issue.

I hope for many things. I hope more women will start speaking up when they suspect something is wrong. I hope more doctors will be open minded to the possibilities of what our bodies can do. I hope enough women can reach out to each other to finally come up with answers and a cure to these conditions. I hope doctors can become more aware of what can happen and learn how to prevent it.

If you think you may have one of these conditions or if you are even experiencing symptoms after having a baby that you have never had before, please reach out to us. Join us in the search for answers and cures!

My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

– Colossians 2:2-3

For more information on Intracranial Hypertension (high pressure), click here.

For more information on Intracranial Hypotension (low pressure), click here.

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    • April Normand

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read!
      While hormones alone can often cause a headache, a headache after a delivery involving any type of lumbar puncture should be addressed by a physician. If your ob-gyn or anesthesiologist dismiss your complaint, please see a neurologist.
      Thank you! Feel free to email for further information!

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