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Learning & Loving Your Body

Diet and exercise isn’t one size fits all. We’ve all heard it, but do you believe it? Or are you still trying to copy what the latest fads and trends are saying?

Stop being pulled in all directions. Learn what works for you and your body!

You have to stop hating your body and using that as the motivation to get healthy. It is never a good idea to have any sort of negative outlook on yourself.

Love Your Body

Love your body so much that you want what’s best for it.

Appreciate the fact that you were created so intricately, with each muscle, organ, and system wanting to function at its best just to make you happy.

Your body wants to be there for you. Now you be there for it. It is what keeps you alive, and you must keep it healthy. You are a team. You are one. Don’t hate who you are.

Women often hate themselves the most after childbirth. Scar on top of scar, more excess skin than you thought possible, and you feel disgusting. You feel you’ve lost your beauty.

But those scars are the proof of answered prayers!

Your scars from surgery or medical illnesses are proof of how strong you are and how much you’ve overcome.

Do not be ashamed of your healing!

Respect Your Body

Now when I say don’t hate your body, I don’t necessarily mean that you should just accept it for what it is. If you are doing your best to eat healthy and stay active, then keep on lovin’ you! But if your body is suffering from poor health in any way, then that is not something to neglect.

I weighed 119 lb. when I first got sick. I was post-pregnancy and still puffy. Between sickness and treatment, I ended up at 103 lb. I was frail and bony. While these weights might seem like ideal goals to some, neither were healthy for me. I am now fighting to get over 110 lb, and I am doing that by exercising and eating the foods that are going to build muscle and not fat. I am gaining weight yet growing healthier.

Being skinny might sound attractive, but is your body malnourished? Loving your curves is a beautiful thing, but is your body overweight? It is great to build muscle, but are you overworking yourself to where your body is paying the price?

Don’t Compare Your Body

It’s all about your body. Not your friend’s. Not your sibling’s. Not some celebrity’s. You are responsible for taking care of your body.

We absolutely must stop trying to compare ourselves to others. We all have different genetic makeups, upbringings, and goals. Following someone else’s exact routine can only get you so far. You have to learn your body and what it needs.

Not everybody out there is trying to lose weight. And there is a difference between gaining weight and gaining muscle mass. What are you trying to do?

Learn Your Body

In my process of gaining weight through diet and exercise, I am developing a healthy lifestyle. I am learning balance. I know when to incorporate more cardio and when to leave it alone. I know when to eat more food and where to cut back. These are not fads. These are healthy practices of educating myself as to what benefits my body and what doesn’t.

That is why I am so adamant in encouraging you to learn what food you’re putting into your body. Don’t fear the words “fat” or “carbs” or “calories”. Learn where they are in your food and incorporate them in the right ways. It’s called a “balanced” diet.

In the same way, learn what exercises work for you. While I would love to switch things up at times, there are simply certain exercises that my body cannot do comfortably. However, there are so many other options out there! And so many exercises work out more than just one part of your body.

It’s great if you can find a set of routines out there that help, but don’t beat yourself up if you can’t accomplish all of them. Just do your best at the ones that you can do. Who knows if in time, you will grow strong enough to eventually do all of them!

As long as you are actually trying to improve your health, then there is nothing to hate about you. If you are truly doing your best, then how can you beat yourself up? Be your own coach. Replace your negative mindset with a positive, encouraging, motivating one. Remind yourself of how strong you are. Remind yourself of how far you have come. And remind yourself of what you can do.

For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.

– Psalms 139:13-14

What unique qualities have you learned to love about yourself?
Let us know in the comments section below!

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